posted Nov 15, 2020, 9:10 AM
Good Afternoon,
Please note effective immediately the warm viewing areas in both Beeton Memorial Arena and the Tottenham Community Centre will be available for accessible seating only. This is to ensure the hallway areas are kept clear unless players and attendees are entering and exiting the dressing rooms and to continue adhering to the Public Health and Provincial guidelines.
All attendees (parents/guardians) who are not skating but waiting in the facility will be required to do so in the viewing area inside the rink (not the warm hallway viewing area). Please dress appropriately for the cooler temperatures in the rink.
We kindly ask you assist staff by notifying your attendees of this change and direct them to the designated viewing area. Please also remind your attendees to vacate the facility immediately after the buzzer sounds, unless their player requires assistance in the dressing room. Players old enough to meet their parent/guardian outside the facility are requested to do so.
These changes have been implemented as an additional precaution for the safety of the players, attendees, staff and the public.
If we all work together and do our part our goal is to safely continue the recreational activities in our facilities during these unprecedented times.