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Frequently Asked Questions
& Information on Membership Accounts
Contact Us:
Need help? Email us and we'll do our best to answer your question. Contact Us Form
Please note we only monitor these emails during our skating season, which starts when registration opens and closes one week after our final lesson. Typically we will respond with in 1 - 5 days of receiving your email.
If you are contacting us outside of our skating season please check our website, for information on programs.
New Members:
- To register for our programs the parent/guardian of the skater(s) needs to set-up a member account.
- The account should be set up under a parent/guardian's name... (not the skater, they are added later).
- Once the account is created, click on the "Registration" tab in the main navigation menu or use the drop down menu to select the program.
- Next time you want to login you will find the link at the top right hand corner of our home page.
Want to setup a membership account? Click here LOGIN
Who Should Create the Family Membership Account:
- The account holder must be the Custodial Parent or Guardian of the skater, as the account holder is required to give consent on behalf of the minor skater(s).
- Please do not set-up accounts for your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or friends children.
Returning Members:
- You'll need the email address you setup the account with and your password
Want to login into your existing account? Click here Login
Forgot Your Password?
- That's okay! You can reset your password.
- DO NOT create another account!!!
- All your skater(s) previously entered achievements will not be transferred over to the new account.
Want to reset your password? Click here Reset
Password reset didn't work? Email Admin , or fill out this
form and we will reset your password manually. Make sure when you email us to include: your name, and one skater's name.
Forgot Your Email Address?
- No worries! We can find the email address you originally used to set-up the member account.
- DO NOT create another account!!!
- All your skater(s) previously entered achievements will not be transferred over to the new account.
Need your member email? Email Admin , or fill out this
form and we will let you know the email address on your Member Account. Make sure when you email us to include: your name, and one skater's name.
Old Email Used for Membership Account?
- Not a problem! Login using your old email address and go to your account settings and change the email to your new or preferred email.
- DO NOT create another account!!!
- All your skater(s) previously entered achievements will not be transferred over to the new account.
Login to update your member email address? Click here LOGIN
Couldn't access account? Email Admin , or fill out this
form and we will change your account email manually. Make sure when you email us to include: your name, one skater's name, and new email address.
Not Getting Club Information Emails:
Make sure that your Member Account has been set to receive emails regarding Program Information.
Registration Instructions:
- For each skater, select the program(s) you wish to register for.
- Register ALL your skaters on the same invoice to allow for multi-program, multi-season, and family discounts.
- Please carefully read & sign off on all Club Policy documents when you are registering.
- Proceed to checkout, EFTs as payment is the only option we are offering at this point in time. We are no longer accepting credit cards,Cash, or Cheques.. .
Want more detailed registration instructions? Click here INFO
Want to register in a program? Click here Registration
Please note that if our system detects more than 30 minutes of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved, and you will need to begin again.
My child doesn't like skating lessons... can I get a refund?
NO REFUNDS will be issued at any point once registration has been completed. Only refund requests submitted to a member of the Board in writing, along with a doctor's note explaining why the skater can not continue in the program will be considered. All refunds will be calculated as follows:
- Amount paid less the Skate Canada Fee and Administration Fee
- Less ice time up to the date the request for refund is received
BUT, the registration says "withdrawal date by . . ." The withdrawal date is for Club use only and does not reflect when skaters can leave the program and expect a refund.
BUT, my child doesn't like skating lessons. We have limited spaces in our Learn-to-Skate programs and when you registered in the program we reserved a space for your child.
JUST give my child's spot in the program to a waitlisted skater. It's not that simple, once lessons have started we often can not fill the spot, as parents/guardians of waitlisted skaters have made other arrangements and are no longer available for lessons.
What is the Skate Canada Fee?
The Skate Canada Fee is charged by Skate Canada and collected by NTDSC for insurance. Skate Canada Fee is a yearly subscription and is active from September to August and is only charged once during this time period. We exclude the Skate Canada Fee from our program fees so that you do not get charged twice or even three times if you enroll in Fall and Winter, or Spring skating.
What is the Admin Fee?
The Admin Fee is charged by NTDSC in lieu of fund raising activities. NTDSC won't ask you to pester your family and friends by selling them chocolates, or magazine subscription.
Can my child wear a bicycle helmet or skiing helmet?
Absolutely NOT! Skate Canada Safe Sport policy states that ALL participants in Skate Canada programs wear a CSA Approved Hockey Helmet. Only individuals who have passed CanSkate Level 6 may remove their helmets while on the ice.
What should I dress my child in for skating lessons?
Arena's are COLD. Dress your child in winter appropriate clothing.
- Snow pants or insulated water resistant Splash pants
- Winter coats
- Water resistant ski style not "woolen" or fluffy mittens. Woolen style mittens absorb water and leave debris on the ice surface (debris on the ice surface may cause a trip/fall hazard)
Do I Need to be Vaccinated or Wear a Mask to Enter TCFC?
- No, proof of vaccination and mask mandates have been lifted. (Updated on this website September 2022)
Want more information on NTDSC and COVID-19 policies? Click here COVID
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